There are two types of calibration: dynamic and static. Whether a vehicle’s camera needs dynamic or static calibration is dependent on the OEM requirements. In general, many domestic vehicles are dynamic calibration only, while many foreign vehicles require static calibration. Most static calibrations must be done at our shop, while dynamic calibrations can be performed at our shop or at the customer’s location.

Dynamic Calibration

Dynamic calibrations can be done mobile or at our shop. We can coordinate with the customer to perform this immediately after the windshield is installed (once the safe drive away time is achieved). We perform a pre-calibration scan to check for existing codes prior to commencing the calibration. The vehicle will have to be driven to a location where we can achieve speeds in excess of 40 mph for at a minimum of 15-20 minutes. Once the calibration of the cameras is completed, a full printout of the successful calibration will be given to the customer.

Dynamic Calibration process and pricing:

  • Allow 2-3 hours for most vehicles
  • Roads must be mostly clear of snow and debris and lines on the road must be visible
  • A typical charge is $350. This price can vary according to the difficulty of the calibration.

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Dynamic Windshield Calibration

Static Calibration

Static calibrations require the vehicle to be on a flat and level surface with a minimum 10 feet of clearance on each side and a minimum of 30 feet of clearance in front of the vehicle. Targets are placed in precise positions at various locations as recommended by the OEM requirements. These targets are then synchronized with the vehicle cameras to ensure that all features of the ADAS systems are working correctly. Once the calibration is complete, a full printout of the successful calibration will be given to the customer.

Static Calibration process and pricing:

  • Allow 3-4 hours for most vehicles
  • Most vehicles must be calibrated at our location. In a few instances, they can be done on-site.
  • A typical charge is $450. This price can vary according to the difficulty of the calibration. This includes picking up the vehicle and bringing it to our office.
  • Once the calibration is complete we would return the vehicle to the customer. Please allow an additional hour for the pickup / drop off.

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Static Windshield calibration